- • 3 cups blanched almonds
- • ¾ cups caster sugar
- • ½ cup water
- • ¾ cup honey
- • 1 large egg white
- • 2 wafer papers (for turrón)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 F / 180 C.
2. Toast almonds for a few minutes, stir to ensure they do not burn.
3. Pour the sugar into a saucepan with water to make a syrup. Bring to 250 F / 121 C slowly over low heat until you get a caramel consistency. Then take off heat
4. Melt the honey and add to the syrup. Heat gently for 5 minutes and stir constantly.
5. Beat the egg white until stiff and mix gently with the syrup.
6. Add warm almonds.
7. Put a wafer paper in a baking tray; or use non-stick baking paper..
8. Pour the turrón mixture to obtain a thickness of about 1 cm
9. Cover with a second wafer paper, or just press flat, and put in fridge to harden
10. Cut small squares or rectangles and enjoy!