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York for Europe

Celebrating the European city of York

Recent Zoom Events

See again our Zoom meeting with The Young European Movement’s UK president, Cecilia Jastrzembska and colleague Lea Rattei of Thursday 20th February 2025

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The Hanseatic League ~ its value yesterday and today


Talk given to York for Europe and friends about The Hanseatic League given by the Hanseatic League Commissioner for England, William Hamish Stewart, 18th November 2024 A tip-toe though the magnificent history of The Hanseatic League, snapshots of the present activities, and how the League may be of interest to young people throughout Europe.


Professor Charlotte O'Brien talked to York for Europe on June 14th 2023 about the plight of Europeans under Brexit

The Brexit Hits the Fan

Abstract: "EU nationals living in the UK have been repeatedly hung out to dry in the ongoing process of Brexit - by successive UK governments, by the EU negotiators, and by the Court of Justice of the EU. Now we are approaching the one year anniversary of the end of the 'grace period' - the deadline for applying to the EU Settlement Scheme - a host of predicted, and unpredicted problems are piling up for people with or without EUSS status. This talk gives a snapshot of some of the most intransigent, systemic (and discriminatory) problems we are seeing at the EU Rights & Brexit Hub, and of our efforts to do something about them."

For help in this area, you might try the following links:

The 3Million – a voice for EU citizens in the UK https://www.the3million.org.uk

The Home Office’s list of grant funded organisations Charlotte mentioned is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/eu-settlement-scheme-community-support-for-vulnerable-citizens/list-of-organisations

See also IMA – The Independent Monitoring Authority for Citizens’ Rights Agreements https://ima-citizensrights.org.uk/

Also, The EU Rights and Brexit Hub at York University https://www.eurightshub.york.ac.uk



Meeting with York Central MP, Rachael Maskell 12th May 2022

In a passionate and hard-hitting talk, Rachael Maskell outlines the need for a new European order engendered by the war in Ukraine. The UK must urgently become part of a new European alliance in which we collaborate with our European friends to withstand the dangers posed to peace and democracy in Europe - this does not mean an immediate return to the EU, which itself is re-evaluating its form and purpose (Macron has been speaking of a “looser European alliance".).
  Inside the UK, we must oppose the increasing fascism of current Tory legislation. In particular, we must advertise the reality of the coming “Brexit Freedoms Bill” which will, despite its title, curtail our freedoms. Rachael advocates political parties working together in elections to defeat Conservative candidates and outlines the damage of Brexit on York from health and social care to small businesses to university research and cultural losses.



Meeting with York City Councillors 26-4-22

This agreeable and constructive chat gave us all insights into what York for Europe could do working with the Council. The panel was Cllr Janet Looker (Labour), Cllr Christian Vassie, (LibDems) and the Green Group nominated Liam Clegg, Chair, Board of Studies, Department of Politics, University of York.


View the warm and encouraging talk by Terry Reinkte MEP via the link below.

This informal conversation took place between Terry Reintke MEP and York for Europe and friends during the afternoon of 3rd February 2022. Topics ranged from the roles of women, Erasmus, European Associated citizenship, where for campaigners to go for support, current difficulties within the EU and EU views on the UK.

If your browser does not support full screen viewing, just click "Watch on YouTube"

TALK BY PROFESSOR A. C. GRAYLING - organised by York for Europe

The U.K. & the EU: How We Will Rejoin

Zoom meeting took place on Thursday 14th October 2021.

Or if you prefer a direct link to YouTube —


This is an inspiring talk followed by questions attended by members and friends of York For Europe.


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York For Europe

who we are....

The European Union has been one of the most successful peace projects in history. Between its member states it has nurtured constructive relationships to further democracy, human rights, culture, economic prosperity and environmental protection in addition to building friendships and understanding between the individual citizens of Europe.

Because of this, York for Europe champions our continued European identity. We believe that the UK’s best interests, having left the EU, are to retain as close as possible a relationship with the EU and ultimately to restore the UK’s place in the EU’s family of nations.

On a local level, this means celebrating and developing our European links in York. A further task is the identification and publicising of the consequences of Brexit as they arise, in particular their impact on communities and businesses in York and its surrounding area. This includes supporting the rights and freedoms of EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens living in the EU.

York for Europe is non-party political and welcomes supporters - of all party political persuasions or none – who share our hopes for the future.