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Celebrating the European city of York

Dijon, twin town....

The Mayor of Dijon, François Rebsamen, has expressed his continued support for our twinning with Dijon in the attached message.

mayor rebsamen of dijon

 M. François Rebsamen, the Mayor of Dijon, has expressed his support for future twinning events between the cities of Dijon and York, which started in 1953, and which will be celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2023.

Naturally, thoughts in both Dijon and York are currently focused on dealing with the coronavirus and protecting the health of our citizens.

Nevertheless, he added, we continue to celebrate the warm relationship between our two cities.

The Mayor, himself, tested positive for Covid-19 in October 2020, as have some other members of Dijon Council. Dijon became one of the first cities in France to start administering a vaccine against Covid-19.