Dijon will feature in the York Food Festival which takes
place from 20th to 29th September.
For details see https://www.yorkfoodfestival.com
Bon Appetit!
Dijon will feature in the York Food Festival which takes
place from 20th to 29th September.
For details see https://www.yorkfoodfestival.com
Bon Appetit!
Join us.. No pass word necessary, just wait to be admitted.
anti-social media
Professor Juliet Lodge considers a European perspective and reports on Musk's altercation with the EU.
The take up of commitment to ticket sales has not been sufficient to make hiring a coach viable.
Leeds for Europe are able to hire coaches for the event. You may be
able to travel with them.
Or book a train ticket - it may prove cheaper booking
It was a great day for York for Europe, meeting with each other and a lot of friends. see some snaps of the day
This is what the folk at the show think of the current situation. If only the main political parties would listen. Aren't governments meant to represent the wishes of the people?
We maintain that the UK, having left the EU, will have its best interests served by retaining a close as possible relationship with the EU, its peoples and its cultures. This site will serve as a bulletin board, a village pump, and information and interest exchange. The aim of this site it to keep alive our already close ties with the countries of Europe which, we maintain, were more easily facilitated when the UK was a member of the EU. We will also share any difficulties that arise from terminating membership and solutions to problems where they exist. Also, we will share advantages of leaving the union should they arise...
“Our fight continues....
We are standing up for European rights, standards and values in the UK”
If you visit the AI site called ChatGBT and ask it the question, "What is York for Europe?" You get the following answer, which I think is rather cool....
"York for Europe is a pro-European Union campaign group based in the city of York, United Kingdom. The group advocates for maintaining close ties with the European Union and promoting the benefits of EU membership. York for Europe engages in various activities such as organizing events, campaigns, and initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of the UK's relationship with the EU. The group aims to provide a platform for individuals in York and surrounding areas to voice their support for European cooperation and unity."
Our friends from the Dijon art organisation Ombradipeter, photographer Monique Serna and art director Vincenzo Cirillo, invited four of us to Dijon to take part in the opening of Exposition « York vue par les cœurs » . see
For some informal snaps of Dijon taken during our recent visit to Dijon, see
York for Europe now need to discuss how and where we mount the photos from their photoshoot, and even if we arrange a return match and go to Dijon for a similar creative photo spree.
More information and informal highlights
Directive 2004/38/EC (also known as the Citizens' Rights Directive or alternatively the Free Movement Directive) establishes the conditions under which European Union (EU) citizens and their family members.
York for Europe and the York Twinning Committees of Dijon and Münster have been working with Cllr Christian Vassie and staff of York Council to see the Twin Cities acknowledged on our welcome signs. The entire project has been financed by donations from York for Europe and the Twinning Committees. Full marks to the Council and CPMedia for a prompt and impressive job well done.
York Anglo-Scandinavian Society
...holds a wide range of events all the year round
find out more...
Home Office’s European Union Settlement Scheme ruled unlawful
If you would prefer to pay us via bank transfer as an alternative way of paying, here are our details:
account name: York for Europe
sort code: 09-01-29
account number: 19071668
bank: Santander
If you put in the payment reference a form of your name, we will e mail you!
paying this way will save us the 5% fee charged by PayPal