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Celebrating the European city of York

Tunnbröd - a Scandinavian delight

tunbröt biscuits from London
A homesick Scand-resident of York striving to fight homesickness, writes.....

For some time now I have been experiencing home sickness, and one of the things I have longed for are some of the foods I grew up with. Especially the north Swedish ‘tunnbröd’, a thin, crispy unleavened bread made often from more than one kind of flour, like oatmeal, barley flour or rye, with perhaps a bit of wheat, sometimes.

This is unobtainable in any British food store, and so for the first time ever I decided to order a few things from ScandiKitchen, an outlet in London.

And it is a joy to have the pleasure of tunnbröd again, along with a few other much missed items!

So for any Scands out there who suffer similar longings I strongly recommend giving ScandiKitchen a go. .